Mass Megawatts Commences Solar Energy Sales Efforts | MMMW Stock News


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Oct 16, 2024

Mass Megawatts Commences Solar Energy Sales Efforts | MMMW Stock News

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) has launched a community solar subscription program aimed at residential electric markets and an effort to sell solar project installations targeting businesses. Their

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) has launched a community solar subscription program aimed at residential electric markets and an effort to sell solar project installations targeting businesses. Their new patent-pending solar tracker and stationary solar energy concentration innovation can significantly cut installation costs and offer a payback period of 3-5 years in high-electricity-cost areas like New England. The new technology can increase power output by over 105% compared to similar panels without the innovation.

Mass Megawatts also introduced an improved Sterling engine and low-cost solar concentrator, reducing mechanical issues and maintenance costs. Their Solar Tracking System (STS) automatically adjusts panel positions to maximize sunlight exposure, offering enhanced stability and energy production. These innovations are expected to provide substantial cost savings and increased efficiency for solar energy users.

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) ha lanciato un programma di abbonamento solare comunitario rivolto ai mercati elettrici residenziali e un'iniziativa per la vendita di installazioni di progetti solari per le imprese. Il loro nuovo tracker solare in attesa di brevetto e l'innovazione nella concentrazione dell'energia solare stazionaria possono ridurre significativamente i costi di installazione e offrire un periodo di ammortamento di 3-5 anni in aree con elevati costi elettrici come il New England. La nuova tecnologia può aumentare la produzione di energia di oltre il 105% rispetto a pannelli simili privi di questa innovazione.

Mass Megawatts ha anche presentato un motore Sterling migliorato e un concentratore solare a basso costo, riducendo i problemi meccanici e i costi di manutenzione. Il loro Sistema di Tracciamento Solare (STS) regola automaticamente le posizioni dei pannelli per massimizzare l'esposizione alla luce solare, offrendo maggiore stabilità e produzione di energia. Queste innovazioni dovrebbero fornire risparmi sostanziali e un'efficienza aumentata per gli utenti di energia solare.

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) ha lanzado un programa de suscripción solar comunitaria dirigido a los mercados eléctricos residenciales y un esfuerzo por vender instalaciones de proyectos solares orientados a empresas. Su nuevo seguimiento solar patentado y la innovación en la concentración de energía solar estacionaria pueden reducir significativamente los costos de instalación y ofrecer un período de retorno de 3-5 años en áreas con altos costos de electricidad, como Nueva Inglaterra. La nueva tecnología puede aumentar la producción de energía en más del 105% en comparación con paneles similares sin la innovación.

Mass Megawatts también presentó un motor Sterling mejorado y un concentrador solar de bajo costo, reduciendo problemas mecánicos y costos de mantenimiento. Su Sistema de Seguimiento Solar (STS) ajusta automáticamente las posiciones de los paneles para maximizar la exposición a la luz solar, ofreciendo una mayor estabilidad y producción de energía. Se espera que estas innovaciones proporcionen ahorros sustanciales y una mayor eficiencia para los usuarios de energía solar.

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW)는 주거 전기 시장을 겨냥한 지역 사회 태양광 구독 프로그램을 출시하고 기업을 겨냥한 태양광 프로젝트 설치 판매에 나섰습니다. 그들의 새로운 특허 출원 중인 태양광 추적기와 정지형 태양광 에너지 집중 혁신은 설치 비용을 크게 절감할 수 있으며, 뉴잉글랜드와 같은 전기 요금이 높은 지역에서 3-5년의 투자 회수 기간을 제공합니다. 새로운 기술은 혁신 없이 유사한 패널에 비해 전력 출력을 105% 이상 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

Mass Megawatts는 또한 기계적 문제와 유지 보수 비용을 줄이는 개선된 스터링 엔진과 저렴한 태양광 집중기를 소개했습니다. 그들의 태양광 추적 시스템 (STS)은 패널의 위치를 자동으로 조정하여 햇빛 노출을 극대화하며, 향상된 안정성과 에너지 생산을 제공합니다. 이러한 혁신은 태양광 사용자를 위해 상당한 비용 절감과 효율성 향상을 제공할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) a lancé un programme d'abonnement solaire communautaire visant les marchés résidentiels de l'électricité et un effort pour vendre des installations de projets solaires ciblant les entreprises. Leur nouveau suiveur solaire en instance de brevet et l'innovation en concentration d'énergie solaire stationnaire peuvent considérablement réduire les coûts d'installation et offrir une période de retour sur investissement de 3 à 5 ans dans des zones à coûts d'électricité élevés comme la Nouvelle-Angleterre. La nouvelle technologie peut augmenter la production d'énergie de plus de 105 % par rapport à des panneaux similaires sans cette innovation.

Mass Megawatts a également introduit un moteur Sterling amélioré et un concentrateur solaire à faible coût, réduisant les problèmes mécaniques et les coûts de maintenance. Leur Système de Suivi Solaire (STS) ajuste automatiquement les positions des panneaux pour maximiser l'exposition au soleil, offrant une meilleure stabilité et une production d'énergie accrue. Ces innovations devraient fournir des économies substantielles et une efficacité accrue pour les utilisateurs d'énergie solaire.

Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) hat ein Gemeinschafts-Solar-Abonnementprogramm gestartet, das auf die Wohnstrommärkte abzielt und einen Versuch darstellt, Solarprojektninstallationen für Unternehmen zu verkaufen. Ihr neuer patentangemeldeter Solartracker und die Innovation zur stationären Solarenergie-Konzentration können die Installationskosten erheblich senken und in Gebieten mit hohen Stromkosten wie Neuengland eine Amortisationszeit von 3-5 Jahren bieten. Die neue Technologie kann die Stromausbeute um über 105% im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Panels ohne diese Innovation steigern.

Mass Megawatts stellte auch einen verbesserten Sterling-Motor und einen kostengünstigen Solarkonzentrator vor, wodurch mechanische Probleme und Wartungskosten verringert werden. Ihr Solar-Tracking-System (STS) passt die Positionen der Panels automatisch an, um die Sonnenlichtexposition zu maximieren und bietet verbesserte Stabilität und Energieproduktion. Diese Innovationen werden voraussichtlich erhebliche Kosteneinsparungen und eine erhöhte Effizienz für Solarenergie-Nutzer bieten.

Worcester, Massachusetts--(Newsfile Corp. - October 16, 2024) - Mass Megawatts (OTC Pink: MMMW) announces the start of a community solar subscription program and at the same time commencing an effort to sell solar project installations. The community solar program is targeted primarily toward the residential electric market for electric cost savings. Using a different approach, the solar project installations sales effort is mostly targeting businesses. The use of our new products including our patent pending solar tracker and stationary solar energy concentration innovation can be used primarily by warehouses with a large amount of space on flat roofs. The recent technology can reduce the cost of a typical solar installation in half with a project payback time of three to five years at locations with high electric prices including most areas in New England.

Recently, Mass Megawatts announced a few months ago a patent pending new solar photovoltaic concentration innovation that improves output for stationary solar projects without the need of a tracker or any moving parts. The improvement will generate more than 105 percent power output with solar panels for little additional cost using the innovation in comparison to similar solar panels not using the innovation. A major benefit of the innovation is the reduced obstacles to production and customer acceptance. The need to have multiple bearings, new software, tracker motors, and moving platforms reduced the interest in the trackers for potential customers. However, the solar trackers may be a preferred option for customers in high wind locations.

More importantly, both new innovations of solar trackers and stationary solar concentration systems are designed to generate more solar energy near the beginning and end of the daylight hours when electricity is at peak demand. If the utility has a time of use billing method, it can save customers from purchasing more expensive electricity during peak hours. As a result, the electric power users save more money for each kilowatt/hour used.

The patent pending stationary structure uses reflectors that direct the sunlight to the solar panels. In addition, the innovation uses a low-cost method of reflecting infrared or heat related solar energy while accepting the useful visible light electric solar energy. The new method to maximize the useful solar energy uses larger reflectors that would not be acceptable without the heat rejecting method for concentrating more solar power without damaging the solar panels with too much heat.

Mass Megawatts previously earlier also announced other improvements toward cost reductions using the patent pending cost cutting concentrated solar power technology. We have two patent pending versions of concentrated solar technology. One is related to additional output for photovoltaic cells and the other is related to concentration of heat to operate a new and improved patent pending Sterling engine to produce electricity.

The Concentrated Solar Sterling Engine innovation brings the best substantial cost saving improvements toward delivering solar generated electricity. The unique cost competitive solar concentration section using low-cost material used by canvas buildings are placed onto of the solar tracker platform works well with our solar tracker. It helps concentrate the solar rays onto the heat piston section of the Sterling Engine. The low-cost canvas material is already approved by structural engineers for buildings with the canvas like material having an expected life of 30 years.

In addition to the low-cost concentrator, the improved Sterling engine reduces the mechanical issues related to pistons and its applications. In the heat displacer and piston, a rectangular extension with the four walls comprises rollers to avoid the need for precision and avoid friction when the parts are moving. The cost reduction related to robust simplicity also reduces long term maintenance issues related to traditional piston technology.

Traditional Sterling engine pistons have a high service cost related to the harsh conditions the piston rings must endure. There is elevated temperature and high sliding velocities which can cause excessive wear and tear. As a result, short replacement intervals of piston rings and sometimes cylinders may be needed to maintain high efficiency. The innovation is a low-cost method to increase the replacement interval and reduce the service cost. The rectangular extension supports the piston during its mechanical process involving elevated temperatures, high sliding velocities and the non-lubricated operation related to the pistons. The addition to the reinforcement rectangular extension method also reduces unwanted spikes in temperature and friction which causes an acceleration of piston related wear and tear.

The several innovative technologies are important additions and applications of its patent pending solar tracker. A video on the home page of summarizes the patent pending solar tracker.

The company's Solar Tracking System (STS) is a new patent pending product that significantly reduces the payback period for solar power investments. It is designed to automatically adjust the position of solar panels to directly face the sun as it travels from East to West throughout the day. Unlike other solar tracking technologies, the Mass Megawatts Solar Tracker utilizes a low-cost framework that adds stability to the overall system, while improving energy production levels.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that could be affected by risks and uncertainties. Among the factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated herein are: the failure of Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW), also known as Mass Megawatts Windpower, to achieve or maintain necessary zoning approvals with respect to the location of its power developments; the ability to remain competitive; to finance the marketing and sales of its electricity; general economic conditions; and other risk factors detailed in periodic reports filed by Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW).

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