First solar panel has been installed at Garadagh SPP


HomeHome / News / First solar panel has been installed at Garadagh SPP

May 02, 2023

First solar panel has been installed at Garadagh SPP

Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov together with the CEO of MasdarMohamed Jameel

Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov together with the CEO of MasdarMohamed Jameel Al Ramahi inspected the area where the GaradaghSolar Power Plant with an installed capacity of 230 MW was built,Azernews reports.

During the visit, representatives of the Masdar said that theconstruction of the appropriate roads was completed within theproject, the area to be installed solar panels was flattened andthe area was fenced for kilometers. It was noted that it is plannedto install more than 500 thousand solar panels, both faces of whichcan generate electricity and have a power of 545-550 w each, atpresent the panels are gradually brought to the area, and automatedinstallations for cleaning panels are being tested. It wasemphasized that the construction of the 330/35 kV substation isunderway, and the station, which will be equipped with asingle-axis solar tracker, will be commissioned by the end of thisyear.

Then the Minister of Energy and CEO of the company attended theinstallation process of the first solar panel at the plant and thetree-planting action.


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